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2019 Social Media Image Size Guide


This 2019 Social Media Image Size Guide will be your closest companion.

Social media is one of the top promoting strategies for B2B showcasing, and its a well known fact that visuals are the best method to catch consideration on any social stage. Let it out, you look through posts taking a gander at the pretty pictures. Just on the off chance that one grabs your attention do you try to peruse any content whatsoever.

In case you're an advertiser like me, you long for the day each social media stage requires a similar image sizes! No doubt, that likely will never occur so for the time being we're altogether forgotten attempting to figure how to ensure our wonderful visuals don't get abnormally trimmed or scaled to a pixelated chaotic situation. On each… single… stage. What an agony. Is there a care group for this? There ought to be. For the time being, simply bookmark this blog!

We've recorded the most prevalent social image sizes beneath AND we made a helpful printable 2019 social image size guide you can download at the present time so you'll generally look incredible on each social stage. Keep it at your work area so you don't squander any additional time endeavoring to locate the correct sizes when you need them. This infant is hanging in my office at the present time.


LinkedIn tops the rundown of B2B social systems administration stages. It's an extraordinary spot for discovering great, quality leads, drawing in and teaching prospects and directing people to your site. While a portion of different locales we'll make reference to will help drive traffic, LinkedIn is the normally the best stage for advertising to B2B experts. LinkedIn can likewise be a magnificent chance to exhibit your organization's way of life and identity by means of recordings, web journals, and photographs.

Organization Logo Image: 400 x 400 (least of 200 x 200, max of 10 MB)

Organization Cover Photo: 1536 x 768 (least of 1192 x 220, max of 4 MB)

Organization Banner Photo (underneath the logo): 640 x 220 (max of 2 MB)

Shared Photo: 1200 x 1200 for work area, 1200 x 628 for versatile

Shared Link Preview Photo: 1200 x 628


Facebook is a social media goliath and, with that, it has a variety of subcategories of images to consider. It's critical to choose early which image you're utilizing where (and why). For instance, your Facebook spread photograph is a lot greater than most different images you can share on the site – however it's solitary available by means of your page, so this would be a decent spot for progressively unmistakable brand imaging, data, and so on.

Profile Photo: 180 x 180 (shows at 170 x 170 on work area)

Spread Photo: 820 x 312 (least of 400 x 150 – whatever else will be extended to fit)

Shared Photo: 1200 x 630

Shared Link Preview Photo: 1200 x 628

Occasion Photo: 1920 x 1080

Facebook is seemingly the most confused of social media photograph sharing because of the sheer number and varieties in the diverse sorts of showcases, however it merits the exertion since it is likewise a standout amongst the best places to reach B2B prospects.


Now, pretty much every organization is on Twitter, isn't that so? It's an amazing stage to relax a little and have discussions with your prospects, clients and accomplices. Twitter is likewise where others are conversing with you and about you. For B2B customers, you can utilize hashtags, applicable slanting points, and connections to direct people to your site or other social media stages. It's likewise an extraordinary spot for prospects to pose inquiries and figure out your organization's identity.

Profile Photo: 400 x 400 (shows at 200 x 200)

Since it shows such a great amount of littler on the course of events and the "Who to Follow" pages, make certain to keep this one straightforward – typically only a dense photograph of your logo will improve, make a conspicuous symbol for your image.

Header Photo: 1500 x 1500

In-Stream Photo: 440 x 220 (can incorporate up to 4 images for every tweet)

These images don't generally show up in full while in-stream, yet they can be extended so ought to stay high goals if conceivable.


While Instagram may not appear to be imperative to numerous B2B organizations, it's an extraordinary spot for innovation and visual/experience-based organizations to target purchasers—particularly in the event that you need to focus on a more youthful gathering of people. With short recordings, stories, and an accentuation on visual promoting, you may be amazed who discovers you by means of Instagram!

Profile Photo: 110 x 110

Shared Photo/Video: 1080 x 1080 (show up as a thumbnail on your profile at 161 x 161)

Shared Stories: 1080 x 1920 (least 600 x 1067, max of 4 GB)

Instagram will size down nearly all that you post, however it's imperative to adhere to the above measurements to guarantee high goals and quality. It's an extraordinary spot for you to exhibit the identity behind your image – regardless of whether it's short worker presentation recordings, client declarations, or a fast feature of your items, if it's attractive and dynamic, your prospects are certain to focus.


Individuals LOVE recordings! Furthermore, YouTube is THE spot to feature and arrange ALL your recordings. It's an extraordinary spot to interface with your fan base, with more than 1 billion one of a kind clients every month. Regardless of whether it's an instructional "how to," a customer declaration, an online class, a contender correlation video, or innovative recordings – YouTube gives you a stage to indicate what your organization does best, rather than trying to say it.

Channel Profile Photo: 800 x 800 (shows at 98 x 98)

Channel Cover Photo: 2560 x 1440

Show Sizes:

Tablet: 1855 x 423

Portable: 1546 x 423

Television: 2560 x 1440

Work area: 2560 x 423

Video Uploads: 1280 x 720 (least for HD) with a 16:9 angle proportion


While Pinterest may be at the base of your B2B social media advertising show, it tends to be a useful apparatus for catching eye and coordinating traffic, or sharing infographics. Simply think, if your rivals aren't utilizing Pinterest by any stretch of the imagination—shouldn't you be? Remember intense images are basic to catch eye on Pinterest, at that point you can connect them to your websites, articles, presentation pages.

Profile Photo: 165 x 165 (or, in the event that it is matched up to your Facebook, it will naturally pull that image)

Shows up at 32 x 32 all over the place however the landing page

Most extreme 10 MB

Stick Photo Sizes: 236 pixels (stature is scaled)

Extended pins have a base width of 600, with scaled stature

Prescribed proportion of 2:3-1:3.5

Board Cover Image: 222 x 150 (vast thumbnail) or 55 x 55 (little thumbnail)

Obviously, this rundown isn't comprehensive of all the social systems you can use to advance your business. We trust this guide makes it simpler for you to realize how to size your images to look the best for your socia posts and group of onlookers. Making perfect and brief images, and being acquainted with every social site before you post, will enable you to remain on brand and convey spellbinding substance.

Not certain how to advance your image on any of these locales? Need imaginative, convincing images and posts? Lacking quality substance to help drive mindfulness and traffic? Give us a chance to help! Get in touch with us today for master guidance on social media advertising and social media battles.

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